Powerful pocket stones are the 10 small beautiful thing that not only makes ones life special but also fits into purse, pocket or bag. They keep the healing process going wherever you are. You can place them on your cupboard, study table or in your home or work place, next to your bed these are really a good companions that have the power of promoting peace in everyday life.
When our mind is filled with worries & stress, the most powerful sources of comfort can come in small form. Pocket stones have long been used as alternative healing, but some people use them as decorations or gifts. Pocket stones are typically small and feature powerful words of special significance to the recipient. Whether carrying into pockets or purses, these stones have the power of promoting peace in everyday life.
Our selection of Powerful Pocket Stones features inspiring 10 phrases, such as Life, Love, Joy, Good Health, Wealth, Work, Goals, Hope, Courage and Success much more when combined, they produce philosophical sentiments that inspire and uplift.
Theses stones also stimulates courage among ourselves and a strong connection to the Earth’s energy. We offer miniature which are thought to ground the spirit with a sense of stability and uses soft vibrations to allow fluidity between the mind and the mouth. Our engraved stones are made of recycled glass that has been beautifully hand-carved and engraved by our creative artisanal partners. All the pocket stones we offer are utterly unique, so no two stones are the same. We also offer pocket stones with New Age symbols and signs of the Zodiac.